What do I need to make an international move?

Moving is typically a stressful event for people who decide to relocate their belongings to a new location. From the start with the completion of legal procedures, during the selection of items to transport, packing, and finally, checking the inventory at the destination, there are aspects to consider when carrying out any type of move.

However, moving goods from one country to another requires more attention and rigorous planning that allows actions to be oriented towards a satisfactory outcome. Beyond the obvious recommendations to study the culture, traditions, and idiosyncrasies of the destination country, there are important variables that must be taken into account for decision-making in any international move.

You may have some concerns about handling and protecting your belongings, the time it takes to transport them, documentation and permits for transporting items in both the country of origin and the destination country, insurance, guarantees of receiving belongings in the new country, and others that may arise during the process. For this reason, the first piece of advice is always to contact a moving and logistics company that provides solutions in all stages of an international move.


It is necessary, as we mentioned in previous lines, to carry out the legal procedures for personal documents and apostilles (if applicable) for recognition in the destination country. This is a process that usually takes time, and we know that time is money. So why not leave it in the hands of experts?

Make a thorough inventory of the items in the property and sort between what will be transported and what will be left behind. Later on, we will give you another tip on what you can do with the items you don’t want to take with you.

The required packaging to protect the belongings being transported must be specialized. From kitchen utensils, dishes, electronic equipment, furniture, beds, clothing, books, records, musical instruments, art pieces, everything must have specialized packaging material to guarantee their integrity throughout the entire move. This minimizes the risk of decreasing their value in case of any mishap. But if the company also offers additional insurance for high-value items, it is a compelling reason to hire their services.

It may also seem obvious to say that any item transported across borders, whether by land, sea or air, must go through a customs process that must be handled by experts in the field. For this reason, having specialized advice throughout the entire process is vital.

The time that items remain before and after the customs review process must be guarded in secure warehouses for their protection.

Ensuring the backup of your belongings with insurance may seem like a recommendation, but it ends up being a necessity. It is always better to insure the entire load.

These steps are necessary to carry out an effective international move; it seems like a difficult process to undertake without the advice and support of a company that offers comprehensive moving solutions… Yes, it truly is difficult.

That’s why at Clover Mudanzas we offer services that cover all the requirements needed for the transportation of personal and corporate goods outside our borders, from the point of origin to the destination point. We take care of all legal personal procedures, specialized packaging, storage and protection of goods at ports and airports, maritime and air transportation, customs procedures, and also our new Garage Sale service, to streamline the sale of those items you don’t want to take with you. You set the price, and we take care of finding buyers.

Although there is a belief that all of these sets of actions are usually expensive, if we see the number of steps that must be taken for the move to proceed smoothly, you will realize that it is not as expensive as it seems.